We now ship to New Zealand

We now ship to New Zealand

Last year we stopped shipping to New Zealand due to strict customs in this country. After recently carrying out several test shipments we can confidently say that packages from Russia to New Ze …
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We now ship to Slovakia

We now ship to Slovakia

Several years ago we stopped shipping to Slovakia due to considerable loss of packages bound for this country. After recently carrying out several test shipments we can confidently say that packages f …
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Noopept Frequently Asked Questions

Noopept Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Noopept if I have meteoropathy?You can use Noopept to improve your memory, to decrease anxiety, to recover sleep and to increase body resistance to external factors. This may lead to reduc …
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Russian nootropics and medicines

Russian nootropics and medicines

Buy Russian pharmaceutical and licenced nootropics and medicines manufactured according to Good Manufacturing Practise.Why RUPharma.com? Only genuine pharmaceutical nootropics and medicines.Wide choi …
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