Alcohol Abuse, Drug Addiction, Smoking
Since nicotine, alcohol, and drugs usually alter the balance of 2 chemicals called dopamine and noradrenaline in your brain, getting rid of these addictions is very hard without other stimulants. Especially since these activities are often related to stress relief, pleasure, or are done in social situations.
This addiction treatment section offers you the very best of RUPharma to battle and gets rid of these health-harming addictions. From immunomodulatory drugs & drugs focusing around anti-addictive agents to tablets with Calcium Pantothenate & Dimercaprol, Unithiol for powerful detoxification, this anti-addiction section can be your powerful weapon against all these addictions.
Besides finding help to control the addiction to smoking, alcohol, and drugs such as cocaine and marijuana, you can also find medicines that strongly help in the management of acute and chronic poisoning.
Out top 5 Alcohol abuse, drug addiction and smoking products:
1. Naltrexone
2. Trekrezan
3. Metadoxil
4. Unithiol
5. Tabex