As we age our skin, organs and overall immune system start to wear off. In the majority of the cases that is because of reduced collagen peptides production. This causes a diversity of body conditions such as arthritis, aging skin with wrinkles, sight loss, liver malfunctioning and more.
Explore our Cytamins peptides medicine section, which are bioregulators of natural origin, to potently combat several conditions and slow down the aging process. These peptides normalize and support the work of the human organs and systems, supercharge the body's resistance to adverse factors and maintain the health, beauty, and activity for many years.
What’s great is that here at RUPharma you can find the widest selection of these natural bioregulators. From peptides for the liver and ovaries to eyes, adrenal and kidneys bioregulator, the Cytamins peptides can help in a variety of health conditions and help you feel and look sharper, more beautiful, and vital with top-notch wellness.
Our top 5 Cytamin products:
1. Cerebramin
2. Timusamin
3. Epiphamin
4. Gepatamin
5. Hondramin