Genitourinary Treatment
You may already know that the treatment of genitourinary injuries and conditions is complex and depends on several factors, such as the severity, location and type of injury. Conditions caused by infections of the genitourinary system such as urinary tract infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and gonorrhea require specific antibiotics and medications.
From antibiotics used to treat a number of genitourinary bacterial infections to loop diuretic that is used to treat fluid retention, this section offers effective drugs that may be of extreme help in genitourinary treatments. Explore our growing selection of Genitourinary Treatment medicines and find a solution for your Genitourinary condition.
Our top 3 Genitourinary treatment products:
1. Finasteride.
2. Diuver.
3. Spirolonactone.
4. Cefotaxim.
5. Phenazalgin.