Changes in product packaging you should take note of
**edited, replace previous pending review if approved This is one of the very few places that I could find that sold Valdoxan online without a prescription. This is quite difficult in the US as it's not FDA approved. If you're here to try it out for yourself, you've probably ran the gauntlet of other FDA approved medications and want to make absolutely sure that 5HT2C antagonists aren't the magic bullet you're unable to access. That includes making sure the product you're getting is the real deal. Well right off the bat, I was skeptical of what arrived in the mail. It got here in about 10 days to CA, making entry into the US through the east coast. I heavily scrutinized the packaging and noticed the following differences compared to the majority of photos available online, including those posted here on Rupharma as of 02/12/2020). 1. The box does not have the Serdix manufacturing logo (Servier's plant in Russia), even though all of the markings and letters are in Russian. 2. The pills do not have a stamped Servier logo. 3. The blister packs have a dimpled pattern as opposed to cross-hatched pattern. 4. The blister packs have "bubbles" over the days of the week, and the right side text is improperly aligned. 5. The expiration and lot numbers are not in the same place. At first, this was quite concerning and I was sure this was as knock-off product. However, I scoured the internet and translated a few Russian websites where customers leave product reviews and often take photos. You can start to see changes around late 2016 / early 2017 where the dimpling pattern is changed and there are raised "bubbles" above the days of the weeks. Then in 2018 the logos are no longer printed and the date stamping changes. And finally in 2019, the dates become more misaligned and the box loses the Serdix branding. I don't know much about the Russian pharmaceutical industry, but it is my understanding that drug prices are fixed by the government, and under more difficult economic times it seems that packaging costs have been cut to stay competitive. Servier has a counterfeit identification service on their website, and for these batch numbers, nothing suspicious caught their eye. Of course, only laboratory product testing can say for sure, but I have high confidence that this product and Rupharma are legitimate, despite the suspicous quality decrease in Servier's Russian packaging.